Category Archives: Neo

November is Senior Pet Month

Petfinder’s 10 Reasons Senior Pets Rule:

(1) When senior pets are adopted, they seem to understand that they’ve been rescued, and are all the more thankful for it.

I adopted my beloved Neo when he was already in his teens.  While I know many shelters do a great job tending to the needs of their residents, it seems wrong that such a sweet senior cat, like Neo was, had to remain in a shelter for as long as he did.  He along with many other animals have been through a lot and more than earned their right to a loving forever home.  I believe it’s a crime when an animal dies in a shelter while waiting to be adopted, never knowing the joy of permanence and freedom from cages.

(2) A senior pet’s personality has already developed, so you’ll know if he or she is a good fit for your family.

I knew from the second Neo approached me at BARC Shelter, that he would be perfect for me; loving, friendly, and attentive.  He also befriended many residents in BARC’s cat loft so it came as no surprise that he would also win the acceptance of our first furbaby, Calvin (also a senior kitty).

(3) You can teach an old dog (or cat or other pet) new tricks: Senior pets have the attention span and impulse control that makes them easier to train than their youthful counterparts.

(4) A senior pet may very well already know basic commands anyway!

Both Neo and Calvin quickly came when their names were called. Many times Neo would look for me if he even heard the sound of my footsteps in the hallway or kitchen. This was true even in his final days.

(5) In particular, senior pets are often already housetrained, or can be more easily housetrained than a young pet with a tiny bladder.

We never had a problem with any of our senior kitties; they knew to go to the litter box (amazingly even when they were ill).

(6) A senior pet won’t grow any larger, so you’ll know exactly how much pet you’re getting.

(7) Senior pets are often content to just relax in your company, unlike younger pets, who may get into mischief because they’re bored.

Neo and Calvin weren’t much of the counter-surfers that many younger cats are.  Neo was always content to quietly sunbathe in the living room or curl up in his kitty tent while gazing at the moonlight. Neo would always keep me company while I was cooking; he would habitually sit in the same corner next to the refrigerator. 

(8) Speaking of relaxing, senior pets make great napping buddies.

I once fell asleep on the sofa with Stella (our chihuahua) and when I awoke, I found Neo asleep beside me too.  How did he get here without waking me or Stella up, I wondered?  Dear sweet kitty!  Calvin and Neo were also frequently seen in the early afternoon sharing their favorite lazy lounger (fleece ball) together.  This is quite special since they were not littermates.  When Calvin was sick, Neo would lie next to him to keep him company.

(9) Senior pets know that chew toys (not shoes) are for chewing and scratching posts (not furniture) are for scratching.

Calvin and Neo were never destructive-type kitties.  They were a very quiet pair, with very few moments of chase or even playful cat fights.   I also normally had my sneakers out and never had any chewed laces.   I knew Calvin for ~8 years and Neo lived with us for ~5 years.  Perfect kitties and never any worries!

(10) Senior pets are some of the hardest to find homes for — so when you adopt a senior pet, you’re truly saving a life.

There is a certain consistent calm and peace with senior pets.  They also seem more in tune with what their person is feeling.  Neo always seemed to know when I was sad and comforted me with his presence, sweet glance, and soft purrs.  My husband and I had both young and older animals come through our door and I will without hesitation say that our senior furbabies have always been a source of great joy in our life. I hope you will consider adopting a senior pet so you will know a similar happiness.


Merricks Pet Food & Pet Oral Care

I decided to switch Stella and Neo back to their previous Merrick foods.  Stella is finishing up her Grammie’s Pot Pies (a gift from Grandma and Grandpa) so she can re-start Smothered Comfort and Wingalings (the latter she eats with great enthusiasm).  Grammies Pot Pie worked out best for Neo so he’s back on it while alternating with Hill’s Science Diet Oral Care.

As a side note, besides brushing their teeth daily along with the use of Petrodex, I don’t know how else to safely resolve the bad breath issues?  I think it will be nearly impossible to combat since they eat and sleep so much, plus they both gulp their food down without much chewing, which only worsens the matter.  Below are pics of their toothbrushes (Stella obviously has to use the smaller end).  I also use separate toothpastes with fluoride that are especially for dogs and cats.


Small Pie Safe Cabinet

To keep all the pet supplies e.g. coats, leads, collars, blankets, etc. organized we bought a small pie safe cabinet in ivory from Greenwich Furniture.  It has worked out pretty well so far.  It’s really charming and takes up very little room.  Below is a picture of one similar to ours.

*Update: Pictured on the right is our pie safe.

Traditionally used for safely storing baked goods (I guess protection from hungry critters) and for cooling purposes.  I love furniture, such as this one, whose use can be converted.

*Photocredit: 1. Teak Home Furnishings; 2. DH

Before Grain by Merrick

My local Petland just started selling Before Grain by Merrick.  I’m so excited for my cat!  He loves to eat and it makes me feel good that I’m trying to give him the best food possible.  He responded well to the dry food sample several months back.  I’ve also noticed that he’s not much of a tuna or salmon lover.  I can tell since he’s not enthusiatically scarfing down his chicken of the sea.  I’m kind of surprised since he’s not usually very picky.  Anyway, although I think seafood is healthier than red meat; it’s what he wants that counts most.  He does love canned chicken and turkey so I usually give those to him mixed with his fave dry food.  Merrick is amazing, his coat has really improved, healthy weight has been maintained, and to my shock his bald patches on his back feet are actually growing back (the patches were there even before his adoption).  I will probably keep his food consistently to daily wet and dry Before Grain.  I also give him cat Greenies as an in-between snack even though I brush his teeth everyday.  He seems so bored and restless sometimes.  Food is his life.  He looks forward to his food and heavy doses of lovings :).

*Photocredit: Merrick & Greenies

Meal Time

This is Stella’s favorite time of day besides when being rewarded with treat(s). I’ve kept her on Merrick’s for several months now and she has responded well to it- no abnormal sensitivities or constipation. Her favorites are their “Wingalings” and “Smothered Comfort.” I was really surprised to see actual pieces of chicken e.g. chicken wing in the can!

Neo’s favorite is Merrick’s Grammys’ Pot Pie (canned food with the quality of people food) mixed with his favorite dry food. His coat feels and looks wonderful and he has maintained healthy weight ever since I started him on it.

I used to lug these groceries home so their free shipping is of course greatly appreciated!

Calvin loves his IAMs (nothing else will do for him). He is not allowed to free-feed on kibbles anymore, as was advised by his vet. He was 21 lbs. when we met in 2001.